What We Do
Hands on in-person sessions combining subject experts with rangatahi on areas that interest them. Everything done is practical with real world applications with actual outcomes.

At the core of what we do is our After School Sessions where we work with Rangatahi to inspire them to explore different areas of technology.Sessions cover a variety of topics with junior sessions (year 5-8) being slightly structured and senior sessions (year 9-13) functioning as a place to explore interests with support from our staff. This means that rangatahi are always engaged and learning.
Junior Sessions (Year 5-8) follow a rough structure where they will focus on a topic such as Introduction to Programming with Scratch for a Term before moving to another topic. These sessions while focused ona topic are guided by their individual interests with a custom path through created specifically for them.
Our Senior sessions (Year 9-13) are more relaxed and casual with everyone working on different projects and interests and a small section doing a set subject. This is a space to explore and experiment with the support of our staff or come along and focus on a topic that changes every term.

Our focus is on growing their interest and curiosity to allow them to explore all areas of technology.
Leon Bowie - Head of Operations
Free, public, creative commons, resources designed for Rangatahi to help them learn and explore the world of technology.
Workshops and coaching for specialist areas, competitions and other events to support our rangatahi.
Kura and Kaiako Support
We support schools and teachers with resources, workshops and support to help them grow and keep up to date in the changing technology landscape.